Saturday, January 28, 2012


Found these blogs in my “orphaned” Multiply sites…they seem fitting with what I am feeling these days so here goes….
Today, October 28, 2008, at exactly 11:54 AM Vienna time, I received a really disappointing news. Something that created havoc in all the plans I mapped out for the next two weeks.

Let's hear what the experts say about DISAPPOINTMENTS..
"Oft expectations fails and most oft there where most it promises, and oft it hits where hope and is coldest and despair most fits." - William Shakespeare
"There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better; we find comfort somewhere..." - Jane Austin
but there is one, I think I most subscribe to...

"SHIT HAPPENS!" - Forrest Gump


 Dealing with disappointments.....

At 9:45 AM today, October 31, 2008, Manila time, I would have been braving the traffic of Nagtahan going home to our humble abode in Vicente Cruz. I would have been fighting jet lag but not too tired, nonetheless, to give the love of my life the kisses and hugs (and more..), oh, we two so deserved. I would have been jostling the throngs of people to haggle for flowers in the busy street of Dimasalang. I would have been feasting on Jollibee Chickenjoy with gravy brimming over...

Instead, I am in front of this inanimate thing called com-pyu-ter composing this ridiculous blog about dealing with disappointments...

But they say we have to be our bestest selves when things did not turn out as we had hoped for...

So, I am going to VENICE instead...

St Mark's Basilica, St. Mark's Square, Venice

Dealing with disappointments part 2....

More than 3 years since, while having the time of my life in DC, I received a really disappointing news. A project which I have “nurtured” and seen through since 2009 got rejected by the funding agency because of “lack of concrete co-financing and weak baseline project that incremental cost cannot be determined”. You see in our “business” , we live and breathe co-financing and incremental costs.

So, completely reminiscent of my 2008 way of dealing with disappointments, with my bestest self revivified….

I went to New York!!!

docking at staten island...