Saturday, June 16, 2012

For Dalas....

..... not just because its Father's Day!
My father is not the orginal "Dalas" - my Lolo Celo was. Although he has 4 other brothers, the moniker was sort of passed on to my father. Lolo was known for his hilarious quips and witty remarks which my father, undeniably, inherited.
Ask for Dalas in our small barrio in Pampanga and everybody would know where to direct you. My father is that famous! Or its probably just because he knows everybody else in the barrio and could engage them in an exchange of playful banter.

 Tatang only finished elementary. He told me once that he was sent to high school but he had to walk about 10 km a day to go to school. He almost endured his first year but decided to quit because his tsinelas (sandals) gave up (he said that was the sign). :)

After quitting school, he worked as a farm boy until he met my mother whose father was a contractor. He joined my lolo in the construction business and became a skilled carpenter. And just like, I guess, everybody else with a growing family and a meager salary, he was forced by life's circumstance to work abroad.

Tatang with his not-so "little girl"....
It was perhaps difficult for us growing up without him - I don't know, I can't remember. But I can imagine how that could have been more painful for him. In a way, we are blessed - inspite of (or maybe because of) this period in our lives - all 5 of us siblings turned out well.

My father's life is not outstanding - he is a simple man living a simple life. Yet, I have the utmost respect and admiration for him. He rose above his deficiencies and stood resolute amidst all challenges.

He is the most patient, the most giving, forgiving and the kindest person I know. He'll give his last centavo to those who need it. He loves my mother sooooo much we sometimes do not understand why. :)

With the ONLY love of his life

He is not without fault, of course. He is funny bordering on "corny". He would regal anybody who would listen with stories of his childhood, his love story, his life abroad - that my youngest sister suggested that he makes a recording of all these stories and play them per chapter to save him the effort. He worries too much - even of inconsequential things. AND, he loves my mother soooo much...:) But all these make us appreciate him better, love him more.

All blessed and grateful...

So to DALAS, on this Father's Day and everyday, THANK YOU! May our good LORD continue to bless and keep you!

P.S> Basti is growing up to be the next "Dalas" in the family - having your wit and antics. Just a little short of your "poginess"... :)