Friday, October 25, 2013

Second Chances...

...written in 18 August 2013 at the Male' airport...

A new day...a new beginning...a second chance...did we embrace it?

This morning, I learned a Euro 30 lesson on second chances. My new Swiss knife was confiscated at the Male’ airport.  Ok,  what is the ‘second chance lesson’ there?’ you ask. You see, the same knife almost parted with me at the Colombo security check just 5 days ago, having forgotten that it was in my backpack. I couldn’t believe my luck when it got through. I vowed to make sure that it be checked in next time.  And, you know what happened…:(

The incident was probably so insignificant (hey, I lost a Euro 30 Swiss knife…that should account for something!) but it made me reflect on how we sometimes fail to take advantage of the second chances accorded to us. I could have made sure that the knife was checked in this time but did not. I could have done things differently with the second chance I  had but did not.

In retrospect, I wonder how many of these second chances I failed to take advantage of. How many opportunities have I let pass because I did not appreciate the second chance I was given? 

We are humans, we make mistakes, true..but to make the same mistake twice is just plain stupidity. Or if we were to believe Steven Denn, making the same mistake the second time is not anymore a mistake but a CHOICE.

I can always buy a new Swiss knife but  what if what was at stake is not anymore a mere knife?