Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Reflections: Healing and Prayers


Today’s Gospel (Mark 1: 29-39) is of  healing and prayers.

Simon said, “Jesus, my mother-in-law is sick in bed with a fever.”Jesus went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up.  The fever left her immediately, and she began to serve them.

“Rising very early before dawn, He left and went off to a deserted place, where He prayed.”  

Having personally experienced the power of these two words, it felt like the readings were speaking directly to me. As part of my personal reflection, I would like to share my 2011 reckoning which I wrote before the year ended and manifests much of what I feel about healing and prayers.

While 2011 has not been particularly great for me, the events of this year have truly cemented my belief in love, prayers and second chances. These words embody most of what I am thankful for in 2011.

Love of family and friendsI never doubted that  love strongly binds my family but 2011 was an affirmation of that love. I felt it when I marked my 40th - truly memorable gestures of appreciation from my whole family. I felt it more when I fought a "great battle". I will forever cherish the love shown by family and friends - I knew that I was fully armed to give a good fight and to finally win - physically scarred but emotionally stronger.

LOVE is the best medicine

The power of prayers. Cliche' but true. So many testimonials have been written on the subject that no further elaboration is necessary. But each case is very personal, very intimate - always between the person and the Higher Being. For me, 2011 was an opportunity to reinforce my relationship with my GOD. Along with so many wonderful people who offered their prayers, I let go and let GOD. And now, more fervently than ever,  in the happiest, saddest and darkest moments of my life, I utter a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing.

Second chances.  They say that if you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. I know that I was given a jolt but I was also offered a second chance - to do things better or differently, to treasure the littlest joys,to laugh harder, to love more, to touch more lives, TO LIVE...

Then again, we need not wait for the changing of the year to have a clean slate, a new page, a new offers us all these at all times! What we write and rewrite onto them is entirely our choice...


Personal prayer:
Lord, thank you for listening to us during the happiest, saddest and darkest moments of our lives. AMEN.